only boring people...

only boring people...

Yes, yes, only boring people get bored. I’ve said this a bunch of times to my son without really thinking too much about it. Sometimes when I hear that whiny voice start going, I offer to play a game or do some art, sometimes I let him figure it out, sometimes we both end up on a device. I’ve thought a lot about being bored over the last few weeks because here in Seattle, most of the kids, including my own, have not had school for three weeks due to snow and a break. I felt like Mary Poppins meets Cruella De Ville- trying to come up with ideas to make an 11 year old happy but getting crazy when we made messes or he didn’t like my ideas.

Today at Target, I saw these cute little jars called Boredom Buster Activity Jars. They had a few different kinds and a couple of other cute games and creative materials.

So I thought to myself, I can do this. So we got creative and made a seek and find jar with leftover perler beads, trinkets and miscellaneous objects around the house and a water bottle. You can use rice, water beads, glitter and glue, but this was easy -peasy- right up our alley.

I think it’s okay to let kids be bored. I think it’s good to have options for when we recognize those times. It lets them use their imagination, be creative and encourages them to spend time with family or friends.

Below are links to the instructions for the seek and find bottle we made and a great article about boredom in kids. Let us know if you try to make a seek and find or whatever else your boredom and creativity leads you to discover.

Wise Women Wednesday- A guest blog!

Wise Women Wednesday- A guest blog!

throw kindness around like confetti

throw kindness around like confetti